A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms – Zen Shin
You are more than the sum of the people who like you today who won’t like you tomorrow.
Your life will be riddled with numbers that disguise themselves as a measure of your worth.
Most of which aren’t and don’t even matter.
You will be asked to measure yourself in numbers.
Your age, your size, your wealth, your following.
To some people and even at times to you those numbers become the standard for which you’ll measure success by.
There'll even be a number for the things you shouldn’t care about but somehow need to know. Your potential reach, your level of engagement, the effectiveness of your message.
And if people say nothing you’ll assign a number to their silence.
You will be encouraged to live alongside these numbers, sometimes in harmony but mostly in conflict with these numbers and you will need to stop yourself from pouring over them.
Because all those little numbers will manifest an unquenchable thirst for how can I’s.
How can I be better, how can I have more…numbers in my life.
Numbers of things, of followers, of likes, of dollars...
Numbers that don’t really mean anything.
You are so much more than the numbers that try to give your life meaning and that like to tell you that you are only worth so much.
The thing you can’t know and won’t see is your impact, your intangible worth.
It is the thing that no one can put a number on because it doesn’t exist inside an age or a like or some other external measure of your value.
Call it your gut instinct or your inner knowing.
It is the part of you that knows without so much as a second thought that you are worth more than any number bestowed upon you by someone or something else.
Stop looking for a number to measure yourself by.
Trust in your worth.
Believe in it.
Don’t ask others to give their opinion on your worth. They don’t know you like you know yourself.
My worth is not a number. Your worth is not a number.
We are all infinitely great.